KGL hosted a well-attended webinar on on the impact of upcoming accessibility mandates for digital publishing. We've compiled a selection of the most frequently asked questions (FAQs), grouped by topic for easy reference.
Writing effective exam questions is a nuanced process, particularly when it comes to assessing critical thinking.
K-12 publishers in the U.S. face challenges navigating changing state legislation on educational content, risking adoptions and revenue.
Recently, the KGL Smart Lab team explored how a custom GPT can be used in the production of examination items, and there were some very interesting key findings and takeaways.
In today’s classroom, assessments must meet a variety of requirements, including grade-appropriate readability, lack of bias, coverage of state or national standards, and targets for depth of knowledge (DOK) and Bloom’s taxonomy.
During our recent community event, PubFactory Virtual Series: Industry Day, KGL’s Waseem Andrabi, VP of Learning Solutions, presented the different.
Earlier this summer, KnowledgeWorks Global Ltd. welcomed Vanessa Vaughn as Senior Director, Content Services in our K-12 and Higher Education group to oversee content development for science and humanities subjects.
Over the last decade, in response to a changing, better-informed world, the publishing industry has taken steps to bring more diversity into the workforce as well as to make its content more inclusive.
Looking to the year ahead once again, the KGL experts across book and journal publishing, scholarly and education markets, technology and business development, weigh in to highlight some of the industry trends we expect will be prominent in 2023.