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Does your compensation of key editorial positions reflect the constantly shifting landscape in the journal publishing industry and is it still competitive within your field?

Whether transitioning to a new editor-in-chief, adding associate editors, or evaluating your editorial budget, journal publishers need reliable data to guide decisions about compensation. But such data can be hard to find. Competitors typically are wary of sharing such sensitive information, making it difficult to know whether your own contributors are being compensated fairly. 

No longer. A non-participant’s version of our industry-leading 2024 Editorial Compensation Benchmark Study from KGL Consulting is now available for purchase. 

Since 2011, KGL Consulting has periodically gathered and reported editorial compensation data to scholarly journal publishers who sponsored our data collection efforts. Our most recent report in includes data from 213 journals across a broad swath of disciplines. 

These data are presented with context to ensure an accurate basis for comparison with journals in your field and with similar characteristics (e.g. submissions, Impact Factor, revenue). Questions our report can help answer include: 

  • How does the stipend for our editor-in-chiefcompare with journals similar to ours? 
  • Are we keeping pace with competitors in remunerating our associate editors? 
  • What specialized editor roles are common in our field and how are they compensated? 
  • How are peer journals addressing research integrity issues? 

For purchase information, please submit an inquiry via the contact form below or write directly to Annette Hager, Senior Consultant, with questions. 

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